All About Gemstone Wedding Bands
Is the wedding band on top or bottom?
Once you're married, tradition dictates that your engagement band be moved back to the third finger on your left hand. When you do so, your wedding ring should remain closest to your heart (where your spouse placed it on your wedding day) and your engagement ring is placed next to the wedding ring.
How much do women's wedding bands cost?
A simple, plain wedding band could cost anywhere from $300–$1,500. A larger or more intricate wedding band containing diamonds or other stones can cost anywhere from $1,000–$6,000 or more. Another rule of thumb is that the bride's wedding band is almost always less expensive than her engagement ring.
Which wedding ring goes on top?
This ring is generally worn on the fourth finger of your right hand during the engagement. After getting married, you should move the ring to the opposite hand (same finger) and place it on top of your wedding band.
Do engagement rings and wedding bands have to match?
We match but the rings won't. Not everyone is looking to match their rings. ... And just because the engagement ring and wedding band are worn on the same finger, it doesn't mean they'll always be worn together. Many women only wear their engagement rings during their engagement or for several years into their marriage.
Do I need a wedding band with my engagement ring?
You can also choose to attach the two rings, but this is less common since you can't take them apart. Traditionally, brides wear the wedding band inside the engagement ring so that it's closer to her heart (aww!).
When proposing Do you give both rings?
A wedding band isn't given to her when you propose. You give her the engagementring when you propose and you give her the wedding ring or band at your marriage ceremony. A wedding ring is a ring that may be tapered or otherwise designed so it is not the same thickness all the way around.